Wednesday, February 23, 2011


The Taj group of Hotels commissioned a campaign for their
’ offering

The thought :
Make your special day even more special at the Taj.

The theme was ‘Timeless Weddings’, signifying the properties as well as
the occassion.
Pictures depicting classic Western as well as Indian weddings were shot
at the Umaid Bhavan Palace, one of the Taj’s finest lux
ury hotels.
The dreamlike imagery set the tone for evocative headlines
communicating the offering in a way only the Taj could.


It takes 20 long years to make a single bottle of
Himalayan Natural Mineral Water from the Himalayas.

You could safely call it, the Glenfiddich of waters.

This campaign was created to look, sound and feel the way
water this accomplished, should look, sound and feel.

We quite literally, took the higher ground.

HIMALAYAN WATER at Fashion Week.

Himalayan Natural Mineral Water were sponsors
at Fashion Week, one of India’s most glamorous events.

We decided to have some fun with water and fashion.
The two complimented each other perfectly.

HIMALAYAN WATER: Spring-Summer Packaging

Spring-Summer is one of the nicest times of the year.
In India however, it’s also the hottest.

Himalayan Water wanted to provide people some much needed
respite from the heat by offering their product at a lower price.

We used visuals of flowers of the season in bloom, with a simple
and not too overt message that communicated the offer.

The strong visual look instantly communicates the mood
of the season and also brings about a certain newness in the brand.

The rest of the mandatories were neatly arranged on
the left and right side of the face.


Eveready launched their new rechargeable batteries,
and wanted communication to announce the same.

Rechargeable batteries essentially renew their energy
after being put to charge.
It’s like old becoming new again.

We felt that this was a very powerful insight.

What if the old actually became new in today’s world.

This made for some very interesting and amusing communication
with a drastically different look and feel in the category.


Kara is a brand of Skincare wipes. They have a range of products
like sunscreen wipes, moisturising wipes and make-up removal wipes.

However, they essentially wanted us to focus on the larger brand promise
which is skincare and how these products enable you to do so.

We felt that the fundamental concern that people with an unclean complexion
had was that they didn’t feel ready to meet others and socialize in general.
And we thought that this was huge idea for the brand to build on.

So we came up with FACE THE WORLD.

The entire photography look was very clean, light and young
in keeping with the product offering.


Mediker is a well known brand of Anti-lice shampoo in India.

They hadn’t been in the press for a long while and
felt the need to do so.
However, they wanted to be relevant to younger shampoo
users who had moved on to international brands.

This campaign primarily addressed scalp problems
in a younger and more relatable tone and manner.

The photographic look was also very graphic showing
various cropped heads as opposed to full faces of people,
thus keeping the focus on the scalp and hair.


There’s something about T-shirts isn‘t there?
The minute you wear one you‘re relaxed. At ease.
They’re the complete opposite of the formal shirt,
the piece of clothing that reminds you that you’re
required to tie yourself to a desk to survive.

This communication was for a brand of polo tees.

We felt that what t-shirts essentially do,
is make you feel bright and cheerful.
They make you forget the five crazy days that just went by.


The client felt so too. We couldn’t have been happier :)

ADLABS CINEMAS - Ambient Ideas

Adlabs as a brand were very innovative with their marketing. While their marketing budgets were not large, they were always open to new ideas and media. The next couple of slides showcase a couple of these ideas that did phenomenally well for them. They also did very very well at award shows.


For the first time ever, Pepe Jeans designed communication
in a country other than their headquarters in Spain.

This was a collection o
f clothes for kids from the age of ten to sixteen.

As this is an age of transition, Pepe wanted to portray the kids as
slightly rebellious young adults, but without losing their innocence.

We called this collection ‘1016’
and shot kids in Pepe against slightly grungy and
street backdrops.
The clothes were also altered and played with to heighten the look and feel

What took this look a level further was the use of the Union Jack.
This iconic flag was used very interestingly as a graphic element throughout
the communication and really set the mood for the clothing collection.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cox & Kings - Golf Holidays

Cox&Kings, one of India’s leading travel operators had a lot of requests from their patrons to arrange for rounds of golf while they were vacationing.

In fact, the demand was so high that they started a full fledged service
which enabled their patrons to do so wherever they vacationed. They wanted to grow this service and make it even bigger by advertising in leading golf and sport magazines.

However, they still wanted to advertise the various destinations
one could go
on vacation.

The idea was very simple. It was also very very unique. We used classic picture perfect vacation destinations but with one minor modification to them.
Actually, 18 to be precise.

METRO ADLABS - Re-opening II

Through this specific set of posters, Adlabs wanted to announce the re-opening of The Metro in a manner that would suit a structure with this amount of significance.

As a fine example of Art Deco architecture, we felt that using this style would be the best way to communicate the re-opening of this grand cinema hall.

Hand illustrated posters and ads were designed in the art-deco style with messages that spoke about re-living the past glories and the significance of the The Metro.

METRO ADLABS - Re-opening I

The Metro is one of Mumbai’s finest Art Deco cinema halls.
Generations of Mumbaikars have fond memories of catching a flick with their college flames or going there years later with newer members of their families.

But like many other such structures in Mumbai, the Metro was in a state of neglect.
This was until Adlabs bought it over and decided to completely refurbish it, turning it into a Multiplex with the latest in technology and features. However, no external structural elements and design were changed and it was restored to its former glory.

It was almost like a classic movie being remade even better that the original.

That’s exactly what we did. We showed classic movie posters that we remade recently to get the point through. This was done against a stark black background which made the posters stand out and appeal even more.

KAYA SKIN CLINIC: Anti ageing service

Kaya promises you that it’s anti-ageing treatment can get you looking years younger.
Maybe, even as young as your daughter.
We used classic family portraits shot against warm and relatable interiors
to communicate j
ust that.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


What does a blender do?
Quite simply, blend two or more ingredients into one fabulous mix. Who would know this better than the client themselves.
So, what they essentially were looking for is communication that said exactly that.
BUT, it had to be like nothing they had seen before.

No bored looking housewives concocting some mix for the kids and at the same time no isoteric advertising that nobody would understand. They wanted something fresh, but still very simple. That’s when the idea to use the iconic Pacman look and feel.
This look perfectly communicated the offering and was something never seen or done before in this or any other category.

A black background was chosen as opposed to the usual white for a food category.
This, not only looked strikingly different for anything else,
but also upped the appeal of the ingredients on display. It appealed to everyone and even those who had never heard of Pacman, got the message, instantly.


The Nano was the only car in India that people bought, without actually seeing or test driving it. Hence, some were unsure about it. These ads addressed the concerns that people had about the Nano by encouraging them to take it for a spin.